Dust off your flower crowns, hang your colorful picado banners and arm yourself with cascarones because Fiesta San Antonio is upon us! Having both grown up in San Antonio, there are not many celebrations that we enjoy more than this annual city-wide festival. A symbol of our history, this “Party with a Purpose” spans ten days and features hundreds of fun and unique events that support local causes and organizations. In case you are overwhelmed by the activities, gatherings and traditions, these are a few of our favorites. Viva Fiesta and Viva San Antonio!

source: Fiesta San Antonio
Why is Fiesta important to you?
• Patti – I am very proud to have grown up in San Antonio. The Battle of Flowers parade is one of the first events I remember attending as a child. Back then, Fiesta was always just a fun event that we would go to as a family. But, as I got older, I came to love it even more after discovering its real purpose. More than parties, parades, carnivals and galas, it supports many local charities and embraces what our beautiful city is all about - having fun, celebrating different cultures, and helping those in need.
• Tanner - Growing up here, I’ve attended more Fiesta celebrations than I can remember! I’m proud of the city’s cultural heritage and what it means to be a San Antonian. Being able to participate in Fiesta makes San Antonio feel like a tight-knit community that all comes together to have fun and celebrate our history.

What is your favorite Fiesta fashion piece or accessory?
• Patti - The flower crowns are great! My daughter, Katie, designs new ones for us each year. I love sharing them with my young nieces who now enjoy Fiesta also!
• Tanner - I love the Fiesta Medals, especially ours! I think it’s such a cool way for the community to participate in the annual celebrations. Going down the street and seeing people wearing 20 medals is a unique and fun tradition. My sister, Katie, also designs our Fiesta medals!

Do you have a favorite Fiesta tradition?
• Patti – My favorite tradition are the cascarones! Growing up, we always had them at Fiesta parties and during Easter. When I moved to Dallas after college, I realized no one knew what cascarones were. I couldn’t believe it! I now share cascarones with my out-of-town friends every year so they can share them with their families.
• Tanner - Hands down, the parades are my favorite, specifically the Battle of Flowers and Fiesta Flambeau. Since they showcase different charities and schools in the area, you experience and learn about organizations you may not have known about before.

source: Fiesta San Antonio
Any favorite Fiesta food we should know about?
• Patti – Turkey legs and elote!
• Tanner - Chicken-on-a-stick because it is delicious and easy to eat on the go. Elote is a close second because of how simple but great it is. I’m also a sucker for a good churro!
What is one Fiesta event that you highly recommend?
• Patti – I love the King William Fair! It is a great family event with a fun, quirky parade. My family meets for the parade every year with all the kids and grandkids. It is so much fun!
• Tanner - The Flambeau Parade is my favorite because it takes place at night; therefore, all the floats and participants are lit up with colorful lights. It truly is a sight to see. Plus, it’s the largest illuminated night parade, which is something we are incredibly proud of and take very seriously. Some floats go above and beyond and are quite a spectacle!

source: Fiesta San Antonio
How do you celebrate Fiesta?
• Patti – I hang wreaths on my doors at home and my daughter, Katie, designs a medal for Patti Nelson Luxury Group every year that we give out to our clients. We have even started donating the proceeds for the medals that we sell to a local pet rescue!
• Tanner - At home, we put a colorful wreath on our front door. But I also try to take the day off to join friends and family downtown. Frankly, a lot of the city shuts down during that week, so I might as well go and enjoy it too!